Hanging lamp Flere 1 light

Hanging lamp Flerelichts, in 3 models/dimensions.

€89,95 €109,00
Spot Malta 3 lights

Spot Malta 3 lights with LED, in black or stainless steel-aluminium. CLEARANCE FINISHED

€89,95 €169,00
Ceiling lamp Honey 40 cm

Ceiling lamp Honey with a diameter of 40 cm in black or gold.

€89,00 €169,95
Hanging lamp Maze 50 cm

Hanging lamp Maze made of Bamboo with a diameter of 50 cm. 1 more pieces!!!

€85,00 €119,00
Spot Lennert Led 4 light stainless steel

Spot Lennert 4 lights with LED with 4 tiltable and rotatable spots. 1 PIECES LEFT!!

€79,95 €139,00
Desk lamp Nuvola

Desk lamp Nuvola with 9 watt LED. PROMOTION PORIS FINISHED

€79,95 €99,95

Sale offers of both clearance lamps and various models (show) are discounted, or a temporary offer OP =OP!!!

These items cannot be returned.